Community with the contribution of most of the GPS Tracking Companies.

Welcome to GPS Tracking

Why Digital Tracking is best ?
in GPS Tracking industry user experiance is really important for any service provider and their entire business depend on their customer satisfaction.
in Digital Tracking software user have to be a great experiance of GPS tracking with advance security features like notifications and custom report. solution is totally customizable and support most of the devices avilable in Market.
Our White label GPS Tracking software solution specially Designed to the companies that are working as a GPS Tracking company or going to start GPS Tracking business. Digital Tracking offer White label GPS Tracking software with their own brand name and logo. We Publish Mobile application on Google play store or App Store with your own company name.
Watch our videoSoftware features
Live Tracking
Digital Tracking impliment live tracking with map accuracy 0 sec. refreshment time reguler movment on map.Data Accuracy
our Software consider highly accurate data of any GPS Tracking system.Trip History
our server Record every movment of the GPS tracking device and able to record Trip History.Notifications
we are using powerfull one signal firebase services to send push notifications.Cloud Storage
we store GPS Tracking data on cloud can be access any time whenever require.Customize Reports
our Reporting system is customizable and can be deasign report real time that actually you are looking for.Remote Stop
with Digital Tracking you are able to remote stop any vehicle realtime using powerful api.Play Back
you can access with our software all replay of your vehicle in single click.Start your free 30 days trial now
we offer first 30 days free trial for companies to test our application. there compatibility and user experiance.

Reduce Oprational Cost
We are here to reduce your operational cost of Developing and retaining GPS Tracking software as finance point of view our SAAS Based model is convenience to your company. Most of the GPS Tracking company loss their customer due to lake of experience and GPS Software. Our responsibility to retain your customer and provide them best GPS Tracking customize solution.
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Powerful Application
To Tracking any object using Web/mobile application we need a powerful GPS Tracking software that can help us to monitor real time tracking data of Any object. In Market we have approx 1500 types of GPS Tracking devices with different reputed or local manufactures. Every individual GPS Device manufacture having their own embaded system and internal protocol. We Introduce you a Powerful GPS Tracking software that support most of the GPS devices available in the market.
GPS Gateway is a company that having a very good command on GPS Tracking software with latest technologies. GPS Gateway support GPS Tracking companies in terms of Software support like Custom software development or integration with any additional module
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Why are you waiting for?
if you are into the GPS Tracking business or going to start ?
You are at right place keep continue and Start with Digital Tracking. we are happy to assist you.
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